Enhancing services for refugee and migrant GBV survivors

Survivor Project

Objectives: To Enhance the quality and access of services for refugee and migrant GBV survivors in Greece and strengthen GBV programming through transnational dialogue and sharing GBV best practices, resources and tools in Greece and Europe.

Partners: Centre for Research on Women’s Issues (CRWI), Diotima, International Rescue Committee (IRC), General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality (GSFPGE, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) and Research Center for Geneder Equality (KETHI). Centre Diotima is the leader of this project.

Funding: DG Justice.

Duration: 24 months, (starting date 3 September 2018)

Main Activities
  • Expand and train female cultural mediators
  • Train public social services staff on specialised support for GBV survivors

  • Establish SOPs and a community referral mechanism for GBV services
  • Design and implement pre-service seminars for professionals
  • Produce communications and information materials in appropriate languages

  • Create a regional online platform for resource sharing

  • Conduct exchange visits to boost cross-border learning, and European skills sharing on GBV best practices
  • Conduct an interactive, action-oriented Regional GBV Workshop

Type/number of persons benefitting from the project

The project will directly benefit women and adolescent girls. Men, boys, and LGBTQI will indirectly benefit through training of public bodies. Project beneficiaries are estimated at about 500 professionals, including social workers; law enforcement; NGOs/ CSOs; child protection professionals; mediators; civil servants; gender quality experts; and a wider audience.

Key Expected Results
  • Increased awareness about rights and culturally appropriate services

  • Increased referrals to service providers by community focal points

  • Adapted GBV services meeting cultural and linguistic needs

  • Improved knowledge, attitudes, skills of professionals and institutional SOPs

  • Increased European access to best practices and resources

Type/number of deliverables to be produced

Key deliverables: public sector trainings, pre-service seminars; community focal point and cultural mediators training, guidance documents, public sector SOP, GBV Regional Workshop, translated website, online platform with multiple resources, webinars, dissemination plans for pan-European learning.