Launched in 2016, “Building a Safety Net for Refugee and Migrant Women” is a project which is funded by the European Union – Daphne Strand and implemented through 5 partners in 3 different countries. The aim of the project is to enhance the active intervention of relevant actors with a focus on identification, support and protection of women at risk of or survivors of GBV, as well as to the prevention and risk deduction for them.

This guide has been designed for both state and non state actors. More specifically, it can offer guidelines to auxiliary, support staff working with and for female GBV survivors and women at risk while also increasing their awareness and knowledge of the phenomenon. The guidelines can be used by a variety of settings and context as a whole or can be adapted to the specific needs expressed during different occasions. The reader can find within basic terminology and concepts related to GBV, guidelines of operation when working with GBV survivors as well as basic communication techniques that can be used by professionals regardless of their role.


Awareness raising guide