IRC Report October 2020: What Happened? How the Humanitarian Response to COVID-19 Failed to Protect Women and Girls
"Ten months since COVID-19 was first identified, this report seeks [...]
"Ten months since COVID-19 was first identified, this report seeks [...]
"The present report brings together the reflections from both state [...]
Defying the practices that harm Women and Girls and Undermine [...]
"This report tells UN Women’s story over the last year. [...]
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) publishes a report, [...]
"The COVID-19 crisis is disproportionately impacting women and girls who [...]
Cross Border Feminists write: "We will not go back to [...]
"The following statement has been endorsed by more than 1600 individuals [...]
A brief with key advocacy points and recommendations on the [...]
The GBV Area of Responsibility (AoR) works collectively to improve [...]