“The COVID-19 crisis is disproportionately impacting women and girls who are made vulnerable by our patriarchal and neoliberal capitalist system: a system that is not working for people or the planet, and most definitely not working for women and girls. In these immensely difficult times for all people and societies in Europe and globally, the EU and its Member States must show political leadership and urgently ensure that gender-sensitive responses are implemented so that the price of these current crises is not paid by women, especially the most marginalised.


As feminists, we understand that women and girls will bear the burden of this situation and need to ensure that there is recognition for that throughout Europe’s response which must not leave any woman or man, girl or boy behind.

We, at EWL, stand in solidarity with everyone impacted by the crisis and we will continue to demand more accountability from our leaders to build responses based on care, compassion, justice and equality for women and girls.”

In light of COVID-19 crisis, EWL issues a policy brief to provide insights and recommendations in the following areas:

  • Supporting equality and protecting our democratic principles
  • Combatting male violence
  • Realising feminist economics
  • Building an equal health system
  • Recommendations to Member States and the European Commission

To read the entire police brief click here, or directly download it: Women must not pay the price for COVID-19!