GBV Responders’ Network
Keeping Women and Girls Safe: Resources for addressing violence against women and girls in humanitarian settings

CRWI Diotima
The Centre for Research on Women’s Issues (CRWI) “Diotima” is a non-profit, non- governmental women’s organization. It was established at the end of the 80s through an initiative of a group of women from different academic backgrounds and aiming at systematically highlighting discriminations against women on all levels of social, political and economic life.

Introduction into GBV Core Concepts, principles and approaches for non specialized professionals. Transnational project: Building a Safety Net for Refugee and Migrant Women.

The Research Centre for Gender Equality (KETHI) is a Legal Entity under Private Law, which was founded in 1994 and is supervised by the Ministry of Interior. KETHI is activated dynamically in the promotion of gender equality in all sectors; social, political, cultural and economic life. Its aim is mainly on the elimination of gender discriminations and inequalities. It conducts researches, studies and carries out national and European action plans on issues about gender equality.

The General Secretariat for Family Policy and Gender Equality is the governmental agency competent to plan, implement, and monitor the implementation of policies on equality between women and men in all sectors.

Forum Réfugiés Cosi
Forum réfugiés-Cosi is an NGO resulting from the merger in 2012 of Forum réfugiés, created in 1982, and Cosi-promote and defend the rights, created in 1990. It takes action for the reception of refugees and defends the right to asylum in France. It also works in refugees’ countries of origin to promote human rights, the rule of law and democracy.
FRC offers legal, administrative, primary health care and mental health and psychosocial support. The organization also fights discrimination against asylum seekers, refugees and other foreigners.
Through its advocacy, FRC also defends the fundamental rights of asylum seekers, of beneficiaries of international protection and of administrative detainees.

Is an Organization Against International Sexual and Racial Exploitation: Information and Counseling Center for Female Migrants and Refugees in Kolonia, Germany. In addition Agisra is an autonomous, feminist information and counseling center run by and for female migrants and refugees against any form of discrimination, including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, antiziganism, racism and sexism.
View Fact Sheet Agisra Programming – english version.